Optometry Office in Lake Charles

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) And Eye Health

April 3, 2020

At the office of Boreing Vision, we continue to closely monitor all developments related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and follow every protocol for the safe delivery of care. Our primary concerns are to protect patients and members of our team from exposure, illness, and further spread of the virus. While we continue to see patients in need of emergency care, we encourage patients with questions about non-urgent treatment, elective procedures, ongoing therapeutic care, upcoming appointments, and other concerns to contact our office via telephone, an email, or online portal. A member of our staff will get in touch with you immediately to address your needs.

Supporting overall well-being and reducing your risk of illness

During these stressful and challenging times, we all need to do our best to support overall well-being. As possible, eat a nutritious diet and get sufficient exercise. Even though it may have to be by phone or online technology, stay in touch with family and friends.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers the following guidelines to help prevent illness:


Special considerations regarding eye health and care

The eyes, as well as the nose and mouth, are vulnerable entry points for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and other infections. As virus particles can spray onto your face, when someone with the disease coughs, sneezes, or speaks, you can also become infected when touching your eyes with unclean hands.

To help protect the health of your eyes and reduce your risk of exposure to the virus, we offer the following recommendations:

  1. Be vigilant about keeping your hands clean. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  2. Avoid touching your face as well as rubbing your eyes
  3. If you use moisturizing drops or administer other medications directly to your eyes, wash your hands as prescribed both before and afterward.
  4. Wearing eyeglasses in place of your contact lenses can serve as a helpful reminder not to touch your eyes and provide a partial shield from infected respiratory droplets.
  5. If you do wear contact lenses, be sure to be extra careful about hand hygiene and lens care.
  6. Use safety eye goggles if you’re tending to a potentially exposed or infected individual
  7. Make sure you have an adequate supply of eye medications and supplies on hand.

Essential and emergency care

While routine visits and non-emergency procedures or surgeries will be postponed, we continue to provide care to patients with emergencies, urgent issues, or eye conditions that receive essential care, including regular eye injections. Should you require an in-office visit, we will advise you of the special precautions and protocols that we have in place to provide you with the care you require.

Stemming the tide of this unprecedented health crisis requires each of us as individually, as well as collectively, follow all guidelines and recommendations as set forth by government and healthcare agencies. Until a vaccine or medication to combat the Coronavirus becomes available, prevention remains the best way contain the spread of the outbreak.

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Therapeutic Optometrist Lake Charles